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Harvest Outdoor Ministries


And he said to them —

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

— Luke 10:2


Visual. Auditory. Hands-on.


All ages

Harvest Outdoor Ministries is also equipped to teach hunter education as outlined by the Tennessee Hunter Education Program. Several times through the year, young sportsmen in diverse communities enjoy “top of the line” hunter education weekends conducted by the Harvest team.



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Oh, friends, was this ever so special!!!! Our Father really outdid Himself last night. His beauty radiated in His daughters at FBC Camden. The fellowship was so refreshing and much-needed; the worship was amazing; the time in God’s Word left us wanting more of Him, and all the attention to detail and gifts of hospitality touched us to our cores. My sister, Beth Steedly Farmer, and her precious family shone like the stars last night. I’m so grateful for a gal who dreams big for Jesus and then says “yes!” How beautiful is the body of Christ. Thank you so very much for gifting us with this special evening. The light of Jesus was stellar – as always. 💕 Praise His holy name! See MoreSee Less
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What are you hunting for?

For the avid hunter, there are few things that provide more fulfillment and excitement than the “thrill” of the hunt. The avid hunter will return to the field day after day in the pursuit of this thrill.

There is no argument that the sport of hunting is exciting, but “the hunt” provides only temporary fulfillment. There is much more to life than hunting. So, what are you really hunting for?

Read more to find out what you might really be hunting for.